fredag 12 augusti 2011


My first try...
Too much color and too little background. I hate my small nails! I will let it be, cause I have no energy to try again...

torsdag 11 augusti 2011

tisdag 9 augusti 2011


Lady with bad hearing: Wow, I love your nails! What is it?
Me: Thanks, really? Hehe. It's penguins.
Lady with bad hearing: OH I LOVE OWLS!
Me: Eh, yeah. Hehe...


Tonight I will do something else...


I spent my whole sunday night fixing with my nails while H looked at a movie. Tried to do Hello Kitty-nails, rainbow and stuff like that, but nothing turned out especially good. So I gave up! But yesterday morning i decided to try the penguin-nails I had seen at youtube. Nor were they particularly good, but a lot better than Hello Kitty so I let them stay on my nails. We'll see if I try something new tomorrow, anyway, here's the penguins.

Messy and uneven, but a good first attempt, I think. H asked how many penguins I had on every nail, not a particularly good rating. Haha.
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